Public Benches Map

Help map them all

How it works:

  • When you are out and about take a photo of an empty public bench
  • Take a screenshot of Google/Apple maps at the same time so we can see the exact location
  • Avoid asking people to move from benches!
  • It is important your photo contains no identifiable people (small people in the distance are ok)
  • Before submitting your photo ensure the bench is not already listed by checking the map
  • Visit this page to submit your photos

If you would like to get involved by volunteering to review the submissions and adding them to the map then get in touch

There are many public benches within our PCN boundary but no map exists to show where they all are.

The plan is to make this map together. Through the process of collecting photos of all the local benches it is hoped we can encourage people to get out and about and explore the local area.

People with various medical problems (breathing difficulties, peripheral vascular disease, heart disease, arthritis etc) benefit from exercise but can need to rest every now and then. A map showing all public benches as well as car parks and public toilets will be a useful resource for many.

We plan to organise some small group walks to gather some photographs helping with social isolation. There will also be the opportunity for some people to volunteer to process the submissions helping with this community project.  

Check out the current version of the map below or click here to open in a new window.